Do we spend funds efficiently?
We keep our overheads low, less that 10-12 % of overall expenses. The overheads are to ensure transparency by keeping an internal and external auditor to track our spendings, and on logistics to ensure that the food reaches quickly.
Rations (i.e., the food that wind up in the hands of recipients) make up the vast majority of what we spend, with a small portion of our budget going towards the cost of delivering the food, and an even smaller portion towards fundraising.
We define efficiency as the total food transfers committed to recipients divided by all of the funding we spend on food transfers and the costs of delivering those food transfers. Efficiency is the proportion of each donated dollar that ends up in the hands of recipients as food, masks or hygiene supplies. For the non-food portion (“delivery costs”), we include everything that’s not fundraising: ranging from parts of our NY office rent and time spent by our senior management, to the salaries of field officers going door to door to sign people up to receive food, to the withdrawal fees recipients pay mobile money agents in order to withdraw funds.
Cost per dollar raised
We hope to maintain a ratio of roughly $0.05 spent per dollar raised.
What about “overhead”?
1 Million Meals’ lean model scores very highly on traditional “overhead” measures. The vast majority of our operations spending goes toward food transfers.
Do we spend funds quickly?
Another good question about 1 Million Meals’s finances is whether there is a long delay between when we raise funds and when we deliver them. We are spending the money on weekly basis or as we raise them.
Room for more funding
1 Million Meals could productively use several hundred million dollars more than we expect it to receive. Achieving greater scale would enable us to reach more people more efficiently, and it would carve out a bigger space for people in poverty to control more of the aid and philanthropy budgets meant to help them.
Funders and Partners


How can I donate?
- All major credit and debit cards
- PayPal
- Checks
- Wires
- Stocks
- BTC, XRP, ETH cryptocurrencies
How can I donate by check?
Apne Aap
In the memo field write:
1 Million Meals
Mail to: FDR Station
PO Box 3221, New York, NY 10008
Is my donation tax deductable?
If you are giving from outside the United States you can complete your donation through a partner organization. When giving through one of these organizations you will receive a tax receipt from them.
For stock donations we are not qualified to provide exact values for stock donations, your receipt will include the amount of shares.
Who is Apne Aap ?
Apne Aap Women Worldwide is an Indian grassroots organization working against sex-trafficking. It has supported more than 20,000 prostituted and at-risk girls, women and their family members since its foundation in 2002, by journalist, Ruchira Gupta and 22 women in prostitution. Apne Aap means self-action in Hindi. It has official consultative status with the United Nations.
It enrolls children of prostituted women into school, and helps women exit prostitution by getting government IDs, accessing welfare like food, housing and health care and filing cases against traffickers. Its work in India is in the red-light districts of Sonagachchi and Munshiganj in West Bengal and among nomadic group labelled as criminal tribes under British colonialism in Delhi and Bihar.
Apne Aap USA educates and advocates for better laws and, policies in the United Nations, other international organizations, and governments. It partners with universities and high schools to provide research, policy recommendations, mentorship, educational courses, and media tools to change global consciousness on sex-trafficking. It supports the grassroots work of Apne Aap India. It has official consultative status with the United Nations. Apne Aap means self-action in Hindi.
Apne Aap is a non-profit education advocacy organization focused on ensuring all students To learn more, visit